Lewis Family Farm, Inc. vs. APA

Yesterday (November 17, 2010) Judge Richard B. Meyer stunned APA and the AG's office of Andrew Mark Cuomo with an award of counsel fees.

Also stunned are the half-baked charities that support APA's malicious and devious practices. It's a cabal of 501(c)(3) operations extending to two NPR affiliates.

Anonymous donors support, then come to buy from the crushed.

Judge Meyer's decisions have established a standard and changed the rules in The North Country. Lawyers and our quisling judges can now see the light.

No elective office will be sought absent questions from voters regarding this decision and our case. APA will be questioned as never before.

In 40 years of deliberate behavior designed to crush those born in the park, APA has systematically decimated whole families, villages, industries, and endeavors.

APA has had help. Those interested in the lands of others have motivated APA. These people come wrapped in the cloak of environmentalism - and donate to their proxy charities.

Those charities sponsor APA action shamelessly.

Politicians rewarded with support downstate have rolled on our neighbors with indifference and duplicity.

We now have the blueprint.

Judge Meyer has established new law and fresh expectations.

Read his decision with care.

APA’s Administrative Action Against LFF
Case E2007-041
June 26 2007 - April 18 2008
APA stumbles, asks for eternal jurisdiction, then reverses, fines farm $50,000; Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board speaks.E2007-041.html
LFF Article 78 Proceeding Seeking judicial review of  APA March 13 2008 Enforcement Determination  See E2007-041 above
Case 315-08
April 7 2008 - August 8 2008
In which The Courts indicate understanding of our case, New York Farm Bureau speaks. 315-08.html
Attorney General Duplicative Enforcement Action Seeking to Enforce APA March 13 Enforcement Determination
Case 332-08
April 11 2008 - August 18 2008
Duplicative case filed by government to judge-shop, attack us individually. We are relieved, cases are consolidated, $200.00 awarded by Hon. Richard B. Meyer332-08.html
Early Documents
Barbara A. Lewis to Governor Spitzer, Department of Agriculture & Markets speaks, president of NY Farm Bureau writes his governor.Early_Documents.html
Town of Essex Moratorium on large farm development, a drug treatment center at The County Home, expansion of LCTC Ferry Dock.1998-1999.html
LFF Declaratory Judgement Action Against the APA
Case 498-07
June 26 2007 - September 3 2008
Dismissed as premature - not right for judicial intervention. In which we may extend to September 22 our need to appeal Hon. Kevin K. Ryan.498-07.html
The New York Times published first, the Press Republican has published often.  AP has published once. A local NPR affiliate proved itself inadequate and will, no doubt, do so again - see Brian Mann strikes again...Press_Archives/Press_Archives.html

Please Visit





to learn more about us and the farming operations here.

For free DVD of APA Enforcement Committee Meeting, March 13th 2008;  also available, ADIRONDACKS, 2-hour PBS Special.

Please call (973) 379-4446

or email sblewis@mac.com

with your request.

Cases Explained
To give context and understanding to the four legal cases laid out here.Cases_Explained.html
Town Road Case
Case 47-07  - Town of Essex litigates in county court, loses twice.  Town pollutes Cross Road ditch to compromise farm drainage, impair adjacent farm road, enable snow plow damage to same.  Rock road designed by NYSEG carries electric power, photographic evidence here.  Town threatens prosecution in unrelated matter with counsel Harp, resolved in one hour meeting on site among the parties.47-07.html
The Appeal
Cases 504626, 504696
Appellate Division, Third Judicial DepartmentThe_Appeal.html
Other APA Cases
Will show the method, danger, personal hardship caused by APA and charitable advocacy groups working against the indigenous.Other_APA_Cases.html
The $50,000 Caper
November 20 2008 - December 4 2008
AAG doesn’t walk softly and has no stick.50K_Caper.html
The Decisions
Hon. Richard B. Meyer annuls and finds in favor of the Lewis Family Farm.The_Decision.html
Motion for Fees
August, 2009Motion_for_Fees.html
“Top 10” DocumentsTop_Docs.html

The Court’s question:


Photo ©2008 Barbara A Lewis

The Farmer vs. Goliath

(“It’s official: I’m difficult.” - Sandy)

The Post-Star of Glens Falls by Will Doolittle, Projects Editor

Front-page — 4-year APA case, Sandy Lewis, Lewis Family Farm, Hon. Richard B. Meyer.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Sept 12, 13, 14, 15, 2010

Offered now as first-come, first-served, 100 newspapers for each day in packets of 4, priority to the interviewed, farm staff & clients, libraries, may be picked up at the farm or mailed.

Thank you.

Lewis Family Farm, Inc.,

Sandy and Barbara Lewis

(518) 963 4206, farm house

Feature and Editorial on Sandy Lewis Published
Podcast 6/16/11
Fred DickerPress_Archives/Entries/2011/4/28_Sandy_Lewis_-_a_Poststar.com_Feature.htmlPress_Archives/Entries/2011/5/1_State,_Lewis_Farm_agree_on_repayment_in_APA_case.htmlWelcome_files/FRED%20PODCAST6-17-11_1.mp3Welcome_files/FRED%20PODCAST6-17-11_1.mp3shapeimage_25_link_0shapeimage_25_link_1shapeimage_25_link_2shapeimage_25_link_3
A play in several acts
August, 2009Endgame.html